Call For Candidates Visiting Professor PPGRI-UFBA Second Call
The Graduate Program on International Relations of the Federal University of Bahia (PPGRI-UFBA), Brazil, seeks to find competitive candidates for a Visiting Professor opportunity in our university. The call is for one to four terms starting from March 2018. We are particularly interested in candidates who would widen and deepen our strengths in the fields of Global Governance, Cooperation and Development, Regional Integration and International Human Rights/Environment. The successful candidate(s) will teach one or two courses, guide graduate research projects and collaborate with the ongoing research projects of the Faculty. Interest in Latin American Studies and African Studies is an asset. The Visiting Professor will be expected to raise the international interconnection of the Program. Salaries are competitive. Please note that this is part of a general call of the University and more information can be found in the link http://www.propg.ufba.br/node/375.
To apply, please send to ppgri@ufba.br the following documents: a letter of application; a C. V.; a sample syllabus for a course on one of the mentioned areas; and a research proposal (up to 3 pages).
Review of applications by the PPGRI-UFBA begins on February 01 ,2018 and will continue according to the UFBA general call.
Candidates who have questions are encouraged to contact ppgri@ufba.br.